What is the Salary of a Registered Nurse?
The registered nurse salary range is very broad since they make up the largest number of employees in the health care profession. In the United States there were over 2.6 million registered nurses in 2008. The industry, duties performed, location and experience are factors that determine the registered nurse salary of each professional.
Job Duties
The basic RN salary is based on duties performed by most registered nurses. These include treating and educating patients, maintaining medical records, performing diagnostic tests and analyzing the results, administering medication and operating medical machinery. These duties do not encompass the entire scope of the profession, however. A RN salary will depend on other factors as well; including the environment in which the nurse practices.
Conditions and Other Factors that Influence RN Salary
A registered nurse salary will most likely be higher if they work in hazardous conditions. These conditions include contact with people with infectious disease and working in areas where there are potentially harmful substances or medications such as radiation, sterilization chemicals, anesthetics and needles.
Because of the additional training needed to maintain the guidelines to guard against these dangers as well as the risk factors involved, a registered nurse salary is higher for those working in hazardous conditions. Nurses that are on call are also paid more since they must be ready and available to report to work on very short notice.
Because of the additional training needed to maintain the guidelines to guard against these dangers as well as the risk factors involved, a registered nurse salary is higher for those working in hazardous conditions. Nurses that are on call are also paid more since they must be ready and available to report to work on very short notice.
National Wage Estimates for RN Salary in the United States
For the over 2 million registered nurses employed in 2008, 50 percent earned a registered nurse salary of $32.00 an hour, or roughly $66,000 a year. The percentage of earnings for that year breaks down as follows:
-10 percent earned $21 an hour or $43,970
-24 percent earned $25 an hour; $52,520 a year
-75 percent were paid $37 hourly; $77,970 annually
-The majority, 90 percent, earned a registered nurse salary of $45 an hour or $94,000 yearly.
Industries that Pay the Highest RN Salary
In addition to work environment and experience, the industry in which a registered nurse is employed can influence the wages earned. The five highest annual mean wages paid by industry are:
-Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing (e.g. those at this site)-$77,870
-Federal Executive Branch and Civic and Social Organizations, tied at $77,830
-Newspaper, Periodical and Book Publishers-$74,990
-Business, Professional, Labor, Political Organizations-$74,630
RN Salary Rank by State
California paid registered nurses an annual salary of $85,080; making it the highest paying state in the nation for this occupation. Massachusetts, Hawaii, Maryland and New Jersey were the next four highest ranking states paying a salary range of $75,000 to $82,000 a year to registered nurses.
Job Outlook
The U.S. Department of Labor predicts that overall the job opportunities for registered nurses are excellent with variations depending on employment and geographic setting. This means that jobs will grow much faster than average; which will increase prospects of earning a good registered nurse salary. In fact, over 581,000 new job openings are expected by the year 2018. This translates to an increase of over 20 percent or 3,200,200 registered nurses employed by that year. These openings will be a result of nurses who leave the job and the increased demand of health care professionals in all sectors.
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